Woolly Sunflower Seeds (Eriophyllum Lanatum)


This highly drought-tolerant native perennial is a perfect addition to any native pollinator garden. It’s long-lasting bright yellow flowers bloom in spring and attracts bees, butterflies and other benefical insects.

Seed packet size: 0.5 grams (~1,750 seeds)

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This highly drought-tolerant native perennial is a perfect addition to any native pollinator garden. It’s long-lasting bright yellow flowers bloom in spring and attracts bees, butterflies and other benefical insects.

Seed packet size: 0.5 grams (~1,750 seeds)

This highly drought-tolerant native perennial is a perfect addition to any native pollinator garden. It’s long-lasting bright yellow flowers bloom in spring and attracts bees, butterflies and other benefical insects.

Seed packet size: 0.5 grams (~1,750 seeds)

Things to know

Sunlight requirements: Full sun to part shade

Characteristics: Low-growing with dense foliage and flowers

Bloom time: Late spring to mid summer

Planting instructions: Direct sow seeds into loose weed-free, well-draining soil. Seeds can be lightly raked into the soil but should not be covered more than 1/4 inch.

Height: 12-24 inches

Life cycle: Perennial

When to sow: Fall or late winter

Germination time: 15-30 days